Native American Advisory Services

Alan P. Meister, Ph.D.
CEO & Principal Economist
Dr. Meister is an economist specializing in the application of economic analysis to business planning and operations, economic development, litigation, regulatory, and public policy matters. He has extensive experience analyzing economic issues related to the gaming industry, including commercial casinos, racinos, Indian gaming, card rooms, and online gaming. His consulting work has included industry and market analyses, feasibility studies, economic and fiscal impact studies, competitive impact assessments, public policy analysis, evaluations of regulations, analyses of land-in-trust gaming
applications, economic assessments of tribal-state gaming compacts and revenue sharing, surveys, damage analysis, and economic research, analysis and expert testimony in litigation and regulatory matters. His clients have included gaming facility operators, industry suppliers, investors, governments, and gaming associations. Of particular note, he was previously commissioned by the National Indian Gaming Commission to independently analyze the economic effects of proposed regulatory changes.
Dr. Meister has also conducted years of independent, scholarly research on the gaming industry and authored a number of publications, most notably the annual Indian Gaming Industry Report, which has been cited by the United States Supreme Court and is currently in its 16th year of publication. He is also on the editorial board of the Gaming Law Review: Economics, Regulation, Compliance, and Policy. He has presented his work at various academic, professional, and industry conferences and testified before the California State Senate on gaming issues. Furthermore, his consulting and scholarly work have been used in matters before the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Supreme Court, and World Trade Organization.
In his public policy work, Dr. Meister has conducted economic analysis to identify and measure the effects of: construction, expansion, and operation of various types of businesses; regulations; legislation; taxation; the passage of ballot initiatives; government programs and services; publicly funded projects; sporting and entertainment events; commercial and mixed-use developments in low-income areas; and medical research. His work has included economic and fiscal impact analyses, assessments of the contribution of businesses and industries to the economy, cost-benefit analyses, and surveys.
Dr. Meister provides economic research, analysis, and expert testimony in various types of litigation matters, including antitrust, intellectual property, labor and employment, general commercial litigation, and class actions. He has served as an expert on liability issues, damages, and gaming industry practices and policies. He has conducted damage analyses involving a wide range of claims, including anticompetitive conduct, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of covenant of good faith and fair dealing, business interruption, fraud, patent/trademark/trade dress infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets, tortious interference, and wage and hour disputes.
In antitrust litigation matters, Dr. Meister has analyzed relevant product and geographic markets, the extent and magnitude of competition, market power, and harm to competition. Dr. Meister has analyzed various antitrust issues, including monopolization, attempted monopolization, price fixing, tying, collusion, market allocation, exclusive dealing, and boycotting. In antitrust class action matters, he has conducted economic analysis of issues that are central to the certification of a proposed class, including pass-through of alleged overcharges to end consumers in indirect purchaser cases. In the class-certification stage of class action matters in general, Dr. Meister has conducted analysis of typicality, common impact, and the feasibility of assessing class-wide damages.
Dr. Meister has significant experience developing and implementing surveys and performing statistical analysis. He has conducted this work in wide range of contexts, including: analyses of liability and damages in litigation matters; public policy issues; and assessments of consumer behavior, racial profiling, forensic testing, and skill versus chance games. Prior to joining Meister Economic Consulting and Nathan Associates, Dr. Meister was a teaching assistant for five years at the University of California, Irvine, where he assisted with teaching courses on probability, statistics, econometrics, and survey design. In addition, he worked for a market research firm that implemented surveys for the motion picture industry.
Dr. Meister holds a Ph.D., M.A., and B.A. in Economics from the University of California, Irvine.